My favorite hat to wear is the one that consists of being a 30 year old single mom of an amazing 4 month old baby boy, Kaden. I must say that it takes a special person to be a mother! I’m so grateful that God trusted me to take care of this little guy! As mothers, we often dream of the “perfect” life, having perfect children, the perfect home, the perfect husband, and the perfect career, Oh yeah, don’t forget the perfect bank account, but life happens!
With the many struggles of life, I still strive to educate myself in order that I accomplish dreams to support my family. No matter how hard the road gets, I try to remind myself that storms do not last forever! Finances were already a struggle before my son was conceived, but having another person to take care of definitely stresses the pockets. I choose not present a sob story because regardless of what I’ve struggled with in life, there is ALWAYS someone out there going through way worse than me! I’m eternally grateful to have my parents allow us to stay with them while I get back on my feet. I dream of the day that I’m able to fulfill the desires of my parents’ hearts in providing them with a financially-stress-free life!
I do not like having to be away from my baby, but I understand the cost of success and building a future for my family. I not only wear the hat of the mom, but I work as an in-school-suspension facilitator, a licensed massage therapist, a front desk tech at the local gym, minister, a musician and online business school student. I guess you can say that there’s never a dull (nor quite) moment in my life! I dare not complain because to whom much is given, much is required.
Even with all of these things, I love to give back to others. Children are my heart. My sister and I are starting a T-shirt line that will provide funds for a scholarship that we’ve created for youth. Every day I wake up seeking direction from God to ensure that the dreams that He’s given me come to past and that He blesses other people through me along the journey. I guess you can say that I have a passion for people, as you can tell through the hats that I wear! Each thing that I do may seem as just a job to others, but it’s more like a lifeline to me that I serve others in all that I do.
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