The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program is intended for undergraduates with exceptional financial hardship. Pell Grant recipients with the lowest expected family contributions (EFCs) will be considered first for a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.
The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is a measure of how much the student and his or her family can be expected to contribute to the cost of the student’s education. It measures the family’s financial strength on the basis of the family’s income and assets. The Department of Education publishes every year updated tables used to calculate EFC.
Just like Pell Grants, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) does not have to be repaid.
The amount of the FSEOG is between $100 and $4,000 a year, depending on the financial need, the status of the school funding and school policies.
Once you qualify for FSEOG, the school will apply funds towards the tuition, will pay you directly by check, or a combination of the two. Your school must issue a payment at least once per term.
Institutional Grants
Aside from Federal Grants, there are grants and scholarships available from institutions. Some institutional grants are awarded based on financial hardship, intended to bridge the financial gap between the total cost of attending college and the amount the family can contribute (through income, savings, loans, and student earnings) and /or the Federal Grants.
Other institutional grants are awarded based on merit, on academic achievement, and/or for a specific field of study. Some merit scholarships are awarded not only on merit or achievement, but also require demonstrates financial need.
Some grants come with special privileges, and many come with obligations. The college will provide you with information on all types of grants available.
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