Welcome to SingleMom.com™. Single Mom Website made possible by sponsors, contributors and visitors like you.
Thanks for visiting us. We are a private, non government website which focuses on collecting as much information resources as possible for single moms and visitors like you. Much of our information is based on submissions and research from contributors, volunteers and visitors like you.
If you have more questions about our organization, please contact us at your convenience at our Contact Us page. SingleMom.com™ extends its gratitude to corporations, foundations, government agencies and individuals for their dedicated support to the economic empowerment of women. Thank you from SingleMom.com™ as we celebrate our 15th year of assisting aspiring and amazing single mothers.
Who We Are
Whether a mother has become a “Single Mom” by circumstance or by choice, SingleMom.com™ would like to be the website of choice to support the millions of single mothers who are driven to change their life for the better and wish to provide a healthy happy home for their children.
SingleMom.com™ was formed to specifically assist single mothers. We feel deeply that single mothers need additional support, resources and tools to help them through tough times.
The objective of SingleMom.com™ is to provide a comfortable, stable, supportive information environment focused on single mothers and issues that affect them and their children; to help them through this transition in their lives, providing them with guidance, emotional support and ultimately a means for them to become self sufficient and reliant for the benefit of themselves and their children.
SingleMom.com™ is a valuable internet resource tool to help single mothers educate themselves of what it takes as a single mother to navigate through daily life; assisting them with their basic and more challenging needs. We have large number of pages with useful resources. Topics of interest include: Parenting, Child Support, Career Development, Health and Well Being, Finance and Housing, and Government Grants available. Our SingleMom.com™ forum is another resource for single mothers to connect to other single mothers, giving each other support or validation of their issues and just letting each other know that they are not alone!
SingleMom.com™ is the number one and most comprehensive website serving single mothers on the Internet nationwide. With extensive volunteer experience, helping other nonprofit organizations, plus experience with Website development, and our Internet Community, we have a comprehensive understanding of the needs of our unique visitors, single mothers; the challenges they face, and the strength they possess.
The People Behind SingleMom.com™
We’re a small group of people who are single moms, were raised by single moms, and children lovers who want to make a difference in this world. We created SingleMom.com™ primarily for the purpose of providing single moms information, resources and a place to make your voice heard.
We began our website in the year 2000 with a group of women who were drawn to the idea by word of mouth. Our group was a mixture of single, married and divorced women. It was our goal to make SingleMom.com the place to go online for women who are looking for information and resources that relate to, and enhance our everyday lives. Whether married, single or divorced, we wanted SingleMom.com to have the answers and information women with children are looking for. We had hoped our visitors would provide us with feedback related to their topics of interest….well, here we are today! Now in our seventh year, we are one of the top single mom websites on the internet, with many contributors, over 1000 pages of valuable information and resources, and still growing.
We’ve received countless numbers of emails from single moms who are struggling on a daily basis to raise their children with no support from family, society or government subsidized aid. We want to recognize these single mothers for their hard work and devotion to strive to make ends meet and provide what they can for their children. We would like to invite single moms to spend some time to look at SingleMom.com™ and see if we can be of help and support you by providing information, resources and chat rooms for discussion.
Our volunteers work hard to reply to most email from our visitors because we know how important a caring reply or acknowledgement can be. We wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for your support throughout the years.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to providing you and your family with quality information, resources and community.
Our Contributors
Kristy Casto
Kristy Casto is the principal contributor to SingleMom.com. Read her column Dating and Relationships with Kristy.
Do you feel like finding real true love is impossible because you’re a single mother? Like the man of your dreams is never going to fall for a woman with kids? Or maybe you’re in a relationship and facing situations you never imagined. Love is great but it’s never easy.
Hi, I’m Kristy Casto. I’m a workaholic, student, writer, peanut butter addict and of course, a single mother to two crazy but pretty cool kids. I was married for five years and while my ex husband and I are great parents together, the love we should’ve had for each other wasn’t there. After my divorce, I was lost, devastated and unknowingly about to begin the most amazing journey of my life!
I always thought finding love was about finding your soul mate, getting married, having kids and living happily ever after but finding love is so much more than that and you deserve all of it. What I’ve learned on my journey through life as a single mother is that love starts with you. I began my journey desperate, scared, very lonely and convinced that I would be single for the rest of my life. Now my outlook is quite different. Now, I know there’s no one who can love me more than I love myself and that has opened my heart to love as it’s perceived in all it’s goodness, not the pain. I’m excited to find that one man who can not only settle my heart for good but add to my happiness in only ways that he can. Join me on my journey and read what I’ve learned. My hopes as a contributing writer to SingleMom.com is to inspire you to feel loved no matter your situation.
Laurie Cesario-Overton
Laurie Cesario-Overton has over 25 years of experience in caring for children. She worked from home as a Licensed Family Home Daycare Provider, and raised a family of five, for 14 years, as a single mom. In 2007, she remarried a wonderful man and now lives in Nevada. She decided to write her first book titled, “Home Daycare and Practical Parenting”. She has begun working on her second book about mental illness and hopes to shed some light on how families are affected. Her children are all grown and now some of them are raising their own babies. Read Laurie’s Parenting Stories.
Jeanne L. Ward
Jeanne L. Ward has collected years of insight into children’s ideas about divorce through groups she led within the public school system. In addition, she has served in varied professional careers from teaching and counseling to local government and child advocacy. Her professional career also includes high profile jobs in legislative affairs and lobbying for four local Mayors as well as in the private sector as an economic development consultant. Mrs. Ward’s work with the media includes serving as an editorial writer for the local Post-Newsweek Station. She currently co-hosts a local political talk show, First Coast Views.
Renee Blankenship
Renee Blankenship, with over 15 years of professional and personal experience; and extensive training in working with women in crisis, founded The Life Connection, a personal growth program for single mothers who are at a turning point in their lives and are willing to take whatever steps necessary to rise above their circumstances and pursue a life of greater independence and success. Renee has overcome similar obstacles in her own life. Growing up in an alcoholic home, then marrying an alcoholic, affected her life in negative ways. She works her own recovery program from which she gains the power and wisdom to succeed.
Rhonda Findling

Rhonda Findling is a psychotherapist and author of the acclaimed Don’t Call That Man! A Survival Guide To Letting Go, The Commitment Cure: What To Do When You Fall For An Ambivalent Man, The Dating Cure, A Jewish American Princess Dethroned and Portrait of My Desire. Rhonda has appeared on national talk shows including CNN Headline News, Ricki Lake, Geraldo, Maury Povitch, Eye Witness News, Good Day New York, Carnie, Ilyana, Tempest and Judith Regan Tonight.
Veronica Diaz
Veronica was born in New York, one of four siblings of Puerto Rican and Cuban descent. Her family moved to Miami in 1996, where Veronica began her normal rebellious teenage years. She used to get into a lot of trouble during middle school, even to the point of expulsion. Once in high school she turned her act around. Things got better until 2002, when two of her best friends were murdered. From the trauma of her loss, something in her changed that day, and she was never the same. She suffered from a nervous breakdown and regretfully dropped out of high school. Veronica started to work full time as a hostess at a restaurant. That is where she met her son’s father – she was 17. After a short while, they moved in together, and then Tony was born.
Debbie Brown

Debbie Brown is a Single Mother and Author. She currently resides in St Petersburg Florida and works as a Social Services Director for a local healthcare facility. Debbie was gifted with the challenge of raising four children alone. Her children are older now and Debbie spends her free time writing and speaking to local organizations about the challenges and joys of single motherhood. Debbie is finishing up her first book entitled, “In The Midst of Chaos, Reflections of a Single Mom”.
Alice Monterio
As a result of a devastating experience she and her children endured, Alice started writing in 1995 – just to journal for comfort; that journal turned into a book, Saved by Grace, A Gift from God, in 2007. In 2010, her and youngest son co-authored Pep Stephen, I Live with My Mom, which she published through her publishing company, A. Monterio Publishing. Alice will continue to write and publish books to entertain, encourage and inspire others who face challenging circumstances. She knows that we can overcome anything with the right mind and spirit.
Mary O’Donohue
Mary O’Donohue is a married mom of two school-aged children and an award winning parenting author. Her book, When You Say “Thank You,” Mean It, is a practical month-by-month guide helping busy 21st century parents instill 12 heartfelt values like gratitude, self respect, and respect for others, in their children. Mary’s mom was widowed when Mary and her three siblings were in grammar school, so she has a special appreciation for extraordinary single moms
What We Do
SingleMom.com™ will be driven to improve and provide to our members the kind of site that single moms want and need. We will listen to the Single Moms and provide them with information by way of guidance, resources (i.e., self-help, education, financial, grants, career, health), research and direct feedback from our dedicated volunteer staff.
Our intention with the variety of specialty programs is to enable single mothers to gain financial stability, life-long skills, work related skills, personal skills (like budgeting), parenting, emotional and community support essential to raising healthy, happy children, and to live day to day in a positive lifestyle.
Below we explain a number of programs which are designed to provide information on subsidized child care, medical, dental and mental health care, advice on money management, parenting and nutrition, affordable transportation and health insurance as well as referrals to legal aid for those who might need it.